




Attached/Subordinate Offices

Attached Offices

Office of the Development Commissioner(Handlooms)

Office of the Development Commissioner(Handlooms)

The Office is headed by the Development Commissioner for Handlooms. It administers various schemes for the promotion and development of the handlooms sector and supplements the efforts of State Governments, Societies, NGOs, etc. Its subordinate organisations include Weavers’ Services Centres (WSCs), the Indian Institutes of Handloom Technology (IIHT) and the enforcement machinery for the implementation of the Handlooms (Reservation of Articles for Production) Act, 1985.

Office of the Development Commissioner(Handlooms)
E-Wing Udyog Bhawan 
New Delhi  -   110 011

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Office of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts)

Office of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts)

The office is headed by the Development Commissioner for Handicrafts. It administers various schemes and functions to promote the development and export of handicrafts, and supplements the efforts of State Governments by implementing various developmental schemes. It has six regional offices at Mumbai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Chennai, Guwahati, and New Delhi.

Office of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts)
Ministry of Textiles, Government of India
West Block 7, R K Puram, New Delhi - 110066

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Subordinate Offices

Office of the Textile Commissioner

Office of the Textile Commissioner

The Office of the Textile Commissioner (TXC) has its headquarters at Mumbai and eight Regional Offices at Amritsar, Noida, Indore, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Coimbatore, Navi Mumbai and Ahmedabad. The Textile Commissioner acts as the principal technical advisor to the Ministry. The Office of Textiles Commissioner carries out techno-economic surveys and advises the government on the general economic health of the textiles industry. The developmental activities of the Office of the Textiles Commissioner centre on planning for the parallel growth and development of all segments of the textiles & clothing industry. Forty six Powerloom Service Centres (PSCs) are functioning throughout the country, of which fifteen are functioning under the administrative control of the Textiles Commissioner. These PSCs cater the skilled manpower to the textile & clothing industry and technical consultancy/ services to the decentralised Powerloom sector. The office of the Textile Commissioner also coordinates and provides guidance to the remaining thirty one Powerloom Service Centres, being run by the various Textiles Research Associations and State Government Agencies. The Office also implements and monitors various developmental and promotional schemes on Technical Textiles, Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) for the modernization of the Textiles and Jute industry, 30 % 20% and 15% Margin Money Subsidy Schemes, Group Workshed Scheme, Integrated Skill Development Scheme, Group Insurance Scheme for decentralized Powerloom Sectors, Integrated Scheme for Powerloom Sector Development, Pilot Scheme of In-Situ Upgradation of Plain Powerlooms and Textiles Workers’ Rehabilitation Fund Scheme (TWRFS).

Office of the Textiles Commissioner
New CGO Building
48-New Marine Lines, Mumbai-400 020
Ph. +91-22-22001050
Fax +91-22-22004693

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Office of the Jute Commissioner

Office of the Jute Commissioner

The office started functioning in April 1958 following enactment of Jute Textiles Control Order, 1956. The office of Jute Commissioner is a subordinate office of Ministry of Textiles. It is a regulatory body to implement the Jute Packaging Materials (Compulsory Use in Packaging Commodities) Act 1987 and provisions of Jute and Jute Textiles Control Order 2000 (issued under Essential Commodities Act 1955) which was amended as Jute and Jute Textiles Control Order 2016.The function and activities of the office of Jute Commissioner relate to
(i) furnishing technical advice to the Ministry regarding policy formulation matter pertaining to jute industry including machinery development.
(ii) Implementation of developmental activities through jute-related bodies of the Ministry of Textiles like National Jute Board (NJB) particularly for promotion of jute handicraft and jute hand-loom in decentralized sector as well as entrepreneurial skill in such sector and R&D programmes through Indian Jute Industries’ Research Association (IJIRA) and other Textile Research Associations.
(iii) Monitoring price behavior of both raw jute and jute goods and implementing Minimum Support Price (MSP) operation through Jute Corporation of India to ensure MSP prices to jute and Mesta growers.
(iv) Market promotion, particularly for exploring markets of jute goods both in domestic and export market. Efforts are also being made to encourage/promote jute related activities in jute growing areas where such activities are inadequate and in-non jute growing states, including North East States.
(v) To help the Bureau of Indian Standards to develop appropriate quality standards for different items of jute goods.
(vi) To generate greater consumer awareness about jute products and promote the markets for non-conventional and diversified jute products jointly with National Jute Board and other concerned organisations. Efforts are also being made to encourage/promote jute related activities in jute growing areas where such activities are inadequate and in-non jute growing states, including North East States. In exercise of the power vested under Section 4 of the Jute and Jute Textile Control Order, 2016, the Jute Commissioner issues Production Control & Supply Order (PCSO) to jute mills for supply of B. Twill bags. These bags are required for packaging food grains procured under MSP by different State food grain procuring agencies including FCI for distribution through PDS. An e-platform “Jute-SMART” has become operational in Jute Commissioner Office and indents of around 229.30 lakh bales worth Rs. 69.11 thousand crores (approx.) have already been placed through JUTE-SMART up to the month of May, 2024 by SPAs from Punjab, Haryana, Odisha, AP, Telangana, MP, WB, Bihar, etc. and PCSOs have been placed for these bales to the jute mills located in 6 states of state governments from a number of jute mills involving various intermediaries. Out of these PCSOs 197.16 lakh bales worth Rs.59.04 thousand crores have already been dispatched up to the month of May, 2024. The Jute Commissioner also keeps the Ministry informed of the problems and status of the jute sector on a regular and timely basis. Issue of License to Jute goods importer and exporter is one of the important works of Jute Commissioner Office to promote jute related business. Total No. of License issued in 2022-23 is 36 and renewed is 27. The total no. of License issued up to 31st May, 2024 is 53 and renewed is 21

Office of the Jute Commissioiner

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