




Public Sector Undertakings

National Textile Corporation Limited

National Textile Corporation Limited

National Textile Corporation Limited (NTC), a Schedule “A” Central Public Sector Enterprises under the ambit of Ministry of Textile, Government of India, engaged in production of yarn and fabric. NTC was established primarily to manage the affairs of the sick textile undertakings taken over by the Govt. of India in three Nationalization Acts in the years 1974; 1986; and 1995 by nationalizing 124 mills.

NTC has existing 23 working mills. However, despite implementation of BIFR approved revival scheme (SS-02), (MS-06), (MS-08), NTC has been incurring operation losses and not earning sufficient income to meet its running expenses. There being little scope for its revival, Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) in terms of its guidelines dated 13.12.2021 regarding implementation of new PSE policy for closure or privatization of the sick CPSE, is deliberating the matter further.

Scope Complex
Core-IV, 7, Lodi Road,
New Delhi – 110003

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The Handicrafts and Handlooms Export Corporation of India Ltd. (HHEC)

The Handicrafts and Handlooms Export Corporation of India Ltd. (HHEC)

The Handicrafts & Handlooms Exports Corporation of India Ltd. (HHEC) was established in the year 1958, as “Indian Handicrafts Development Corporation Ltd” with the twin objective of (i) export promotion and (ii) trade development of handicraft and handloom products and it was renamed as “The Handicrafts & Handlooms Exports Corporation of India Limited” in 1962. HHEC was continuously suffering losses since 2015-16 and its business operations had come to a standstill. Being commercially unavailable, Closure of HHEC was approved by Union Cabinet in its meeting held on 16.03.2021. Post closure activities of HHEC are being carried out as per the extant DPE guidelines.

The Handicrafts & Handloom
Exports Corporation of India Ltd.
Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan, 1
Tolstoy Marg,
New Delhi -110001

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National Handloom Development Corporation Limited

National Handloom Development Corporation Limited

National Handloom Development Corporation (NHDC) Ltd., Lucknow was set up in February, 1983 by the Government of India as a Public Sector Undertaking under the Companies Act, 1956. The Authorized Capital of NHDC Ltd. is Rs.2000 lakh and its Paid up Capital is Rs.1900 lac. The main objectives of NHDC are: • Carry on the business of supplying all types of yarn for the benefit of the handloom sector. • Organize supply of quality dyes and related materials needed by the handloom sector. • Promote marketing of handloom fabrics. Aid, assist and implement the projects connected with the production of handloom fabrics including taking up modernization programme, technology for the handloom sector

National Handloom Development Corporation (NHDC)
Wegmans Business Park, Tower - 1
Plot No. 03, Sector Knowledge Park - III
Surajpur - Kasna Main Road
Greater Noida - 201306

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Cotton Corporation of India (CCI)

Cotton Corporation of India (CCI)
CCI was established on 31st July 1970 under the administrative control of Ministry of Textiles, Government of India as a Public Sector Undertaking under the Companies Act 1956. In the initial period of setting up, as the only public sector undertaking in the field of marketing of cotton, CCI played a role of a canalizing agency for imports of cotton and purchase of raw cotton for giving necessary price support to enterprising cultivators and also for procuring raw cotton for textile mills. The role and function of CCI continued to enlarge with the changing cotton scenario in the country. Now, the major role of the CCI is to undertake price support operations, whenever the market prices of kapas fall below the minimum support prices (MSP) announced by Govt. of India, without any quantitative limit. Besides MSP operations, to fulfil the raw material requirement of the domestic textile industry particularly for lean season, CCI undertakes commercial purchase operations. With a view to safeguard the economic interest of cotton farmers in all the cotton growing regions and to ensure smooth supply of good quality cotton to the textile industry in India, the Corporation is having PAN India presence through headquarters at CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai (Maharashtra), 19 branches and 450 cotton procurement centres in 11 major cotton growing States.

CCI buys raw cotton directly from the cotton farmers in the Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) yards. CCI Officials remain available at procurement centres right from the beginning of the cotton season to keep close watch on market situation. As and when any farmer offers its cotton at MSP, the same is purchased on the same day as per MSP guidelines. CCI procures entire quantity of kapas offered by the cotton farmers at MSP rates, without any quantitative restriction. In order to make the sales system more transparent and market driven, the entire stock of lint cotton bales and cotton seeds are sold through an independent e-auction portal managed by a PSU.

'Kapas Bhavan', Plot No. 3-A,
Sector 10, CBD Belapur,
NAVI MUMBAI - 400 614 (Maharashtra)

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Central Cottage Industries Corporation of India Ltd.

Central Cottage Industries Corporation of India Ltd

Central Cottage Industries Emporium was established in the year 1952 under the management of Indian Cooperative Union and was later on taken over by Central Cottage Industries Association in 1964 and was incorporated as Central Cottage Industries Corporation of India Ltd. (CCIC) on February 4, 1976. CCIC is a Public Sector Undertaking under Ministry of Textiles. The main objective of CCIC is to develop, promote and market High Quality Indian Handicrafts and Handloom products in India and abroad procured from the artisans/ weavers/ craftsperson through their Emporia, E-commerce, Exhibitions, Institutional / Corporate Sales, Exports and Interior Decoration Projects. CCIC is foremost in the pursuit of vocal for local and Atmanirbhar Bharat at grass root level. Corporation is having showrooms at New Delhi, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kevadia (Gujarat), Craft Museum, New Delhi and Salarjung Museum, Hyderabad. CCIC is also having an online shopping website for it's esteemed customers.

The Registered and Corporate Office of the company is situated at Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan,
Janpath, New Delhi - 110 001

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The British India Corporation Limited

The British India Corporation Limited

Incorporated in 1920 as a Public Limited Company, British India Corporation Ltd. (BIC) was taken over by the Government of India under the British India Corporation Ltd. (acquisition of shares) Act, 1981. The Company has two units namely (1) Cawnpore Woollen Mills Branch, Kanpur (2) New Egerton Woollen Mills Branch, Dhariwal with Head Office in Kanpur, manufacturing woollen fabrics.

BIFR approved revival scheme of BIC couldn’t take off as it was linked with sale of its surplus Nazul/leasehold land which requires permission of U.P. Govt. which has not been forthcoming. Due to continuous losses there has been no production activity in BIC mills since 2009. There being little scope for its revival, DPE in terms of its guidelines dated 13.12.2021 regarding implementation of new PSE policy for closure or privatization of the sick CPSE, is deliberating the matter further.

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Jute Corporation of India (JCI) Ltd

Jute Corporation of India (JCI) Ltd

JCI was brought into existence in the year 1971 as a Govt. of India Enterprise registered under the then Companies Act, 1956. JCI is the Nodal Agency of the Govt. of India for carrying out MSP operations in raw jute. It is under the administrative control of Ministry of Textiles (MoT). JCI is responsible for implementing the MSP policy for jute farmers and serves as a stabilizing agency in the raw jute market. JCI also undertakes commercial operations judiciously when the prices of raw jute are well above MSP level and there is a requirement of intervention of the Corporation for stabilizing the raw jute prices in the market. JCI’s price support operations involve procuring raw jute from small and marginal farmers at MSP without any quantitative limit as and when the prevailing market price of jute falls below the MSP. JCI procures raw jute from the farmers through its 110 Departmental Purchase Centres (DPCs) situated across the six jute growing states. Out of the above 69 DPCs are located in West Bengal, 19 in Assam, 12 in Bihar and the rest in the three other jute growing states of Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and Tripura. During the Crop Year 2023-24*(till 30.04.2024), the Corporation has procured 12.84 lakh quintals (7.13 lakh bales) under MSP operations the value of which comes to about Rs. 600.40 crore. The authorized and paid-up capital of the Corporation is Rs.5 Crore and the net worth is Rs.143.70 Crore as on 31.03.2023. The entire authorized capital has been subscribed by the Government of India. At present, JCI in its quest for a complete digital transformation, has taken several initiatives in the form of implementation of e-Office, introducing Block Chain Technology in e-supply chain mechanism, introduction of e-Auction platform for trading of raw jute, installation of CCTV across all its offices, digitization of records, introduction of new operation software as a part of its ERP module, launching PATMITRO Mobile App for benefit of the farmers, marketing of Jute Diversified Products (JDPs) through E-commerce platform in the interest of the artisans/ self-help groups, in house development of HRMS software, MoU with NRSC ISRO for crop surveillance for the benefit of the entire jute sector, integration of Aadhar for e-KYC for verification purposes in MSP purchase, etc.

15 N, 7th Floor, Nelli Sengupta Sarani,
New Market, Kolkata - 700087.

Correspondence Office Address:
Patsan Bhawan CF Block, Action Area-1
New Town Kolkata - 700156

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National Jute Manufactures Corporation Ltd

National Jute Manufactures Corporation Ltd. (NJMC Ltd) was registered and / or incorporated on 3rd June, 1980 as a wholly owned undertaking of the Government of India comprising of following 6 (six) Jute Mills viz National, Kinnison, Khardah, Alexandra, Union in West Bengal and Unit RBHM in Katihar, Bihar. The main objectives of the Company were to carry on business of manufacturing of Jute Goods (Sacking) for supply to food processing agencies of the Government. The Company was declared sick by BIFR in the year 1993 due to its continuous loss since inception and erosion of net worth. The draft revival plan approved by Cabinet in March 2010 at a total cost of Rs. 1417.53 crores and revised in November 2010 to Rs. 1562.98 crores was accepted by the BIFR in January 2011. At the intervention Ministry of Textiles, BIFR finally approved the revival proposal of the company in its meeting held on 31.03.2011 to run its three mills (Kinnison, Khardah in West Bengal and Unit: RBHM in Katihar, Bihar) by NJMC itself out of six jute mills in view of cabinet decision on March, 19th 2010. The revival plan essentially consisted of closure of three mills namely National, Union and Alexandra and running of the remaining three mills. It had provisions for giving VRS to all staff, repair & maintenance of machinery to run the 3 mills, capital expenditure etc. Accordingly, VRS was given to all staff. However, attempts made to revive the three mills of NJMC did not succeed.

Reasons for closure of NJMC:- The three Mills, identified for operations namely RBHM at Bihar; and Khardah and Kinnison mills in West Bengal were made operational in 2010 & 2011. Production was started by hiring labour on commission basis. Since, the mills were incurring losses; a new model for contracting labour through production contract basis was introduced in April 2014 in Khardah mill and subsequently in RBHM and Kinnison mill. However, despite showing some improvements in the operation through this model, the mills could not run successfully due to IR issues, frequent strikes and violation of terms and conditions of the contract by the contractor. Further, it was noted that there is adequate capacity for manufacture of jute sacking in the industry. Accordingly, NITI Aayog recommended the closure of NJMC. Finally, the Union Cabinet on 10.10.2018 approved the closure of NJMC.

Closure Process:- As a part of the revival plan, VRS was given to all the staff and at present NJMC have no staff on their rolls. Based on the recommendations of NITI Aayog, the closure process of NJMC was initiated and is being carried out in terms of the guidelines of Department of Public Enterprises in this regard. NBCC (I) Ltd has been appointed as Land Management Agency (LMA) for disposal of land assets and MSTC Ltd has been appointed as Auctioning Agency for disposal of movable assets including Buildings by NJMC Ltd. Meanwhile NBCC (I) Ltd has been appointed as Pre – LMA for verification, assessment and valuation of movable and immovable assets. The Pre-LMA reports in terms of the movable and immovable assets have been finalized. MoU with MSTC for Auctioning of movable Assets has been signed by NJMC. At present total liabilities/ dues of NJMC are Rs. 397.4637Crores (as on 31.03.2023 audited). However, the total assets of NJMC are worth Rs. 2688 crores (as per Government valuation). The process of auction of Movable Assets of all Units of NJMC Ltd has been completed including Building of Khardah Jute Mill.

Chartered Bank Building
2nd Floor 4, Netaji Subhas Road

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Birds Jute & Exports Ltd. (BJEL)

Birds Jute & Exports Ltd. (BJEL)

Birds Jute & Exports Ltd (BJEL) a processing unit of Jute fabric was a subsidiary of Lansdowne Jute Mill Private Limited established in 1904.Bharat Process & Mechanical Engineers Ltd. (BPMEL) under the Ministry of Heavy Industry took over the assets on nationalization in 1980 and became a holder of 58.94% of BJEL’s equity shares.. Thereafter the GoI decided to transfer shares of BJEL to NJMC in 1986. And thus it became a subsidiary of National Jute Manufactures Corporation Ltd. in 1986.

Reasons for closure of BJEL :- BJEL stopped production activities w.e.f. October 2002. Since then, the Company had no sales turnover till 2014-15. From March 2016, BJEL is involved in marketing operations and acts as an aggregator for small manufacturers and the Common Facility Centers run by Women Self Help Groups. The BIFR approved a Revival Scheme in August, 2012 at a total cost of Rs.137.88 crores. The Draft Revival Scheme (DRS) was approved by BIFR with the following two riders: i) An Asset Sales Committee (ASC) was to be formed where presence of Government of West Bengal representative was mandatory. ii) BJEL to approach the Government of West Bengal for conversion of its present land use from “Industrial” to “Commercial”. Due to non-fulfillment of these two conditions mainly because of non-supportive nature of State Govt. of West Bengal, there was no progress on the revival scheme. The Union Cabinet in its meeting held on 10th October, 2018 approved the proposal for closure of BJEL.

Closure Process:- As a part of the revival plan, VRS was given to all the staff of BJEL. At present BJEL have no staff on their rolls. Based on the recommendations of NITI Aayog, the closure process of BJEL was initiated and is being carried out in terms of the guidelines of Department of Public Enterprises in this regard.
• NBCC (I) Ltd has been appointed as Land Management Agency (LMA) for disposal of land assets and MSTC Ltd has been appointed as Auctioning Agency for disposal of movable assets including Buildings by BJEL. Meanwhile NBCC (I) Ltd has been appointed as Pre – LMA for verification, assessment and valuation of movable and immovable assets. The Pre-LMA reports in terms of the movable assets and immovable assets have been finalized. MoU with MSTC for Auctioning of movable Assets has been signed by BJEL. At present total liabilities/ dues of BJEL are Rs. 159.33 Crores (as on 31.3.2023 audited). However, the total assets of BJEL as per Govt. valuation are Rs. 809.79 Crores. The process of Auctioning of Movable Assets for BJEL has been completed
• Govt of West Bengal has claimed ownership of the land under the provision of West Bengal Estates Acquisition Act, 1953. .

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